TeleGNOME homepage
news | download |
channels |
screenshots |
sourceforge project page |
TeleGNOME is a program for the GNOME Networked Object Model
Environment, to display teletext pages over the internet. As of
this moment, the teletext feeds from various countries. It was
originally developed to support the teletext from the
Netherlands only, but it has grown in a program which supports
multiple teletext feeds, called channels. To view which feeds are
known to work, visit the channels
page. The program is kept quite simple, but it is very
usefull, hopefully. Never load up that large slow web browser
again to view teletext!
TeleGNOME is released under the GNU General Public License, as
described in the file COPYING. The project was started by Dirk-Jan C. Binnema. Arjan Scherpenisse
maintained it from March 2000. Colin Watson took over
maintainership from 2008. You can see the ChangeLog of this
project here.
To clone the git repository or to file a bug report, see the GNOME GitLab
- Aug 30, 2021
TeleGNOME 0.3.6 is released, updating links
to this website and removing some autoconf deprecation
- Sep 5, 2019
TeleGNOME 0.3.5 is released, removing its
dependency on dconf.
- Jan 11, 2019
TeleGNOME 0.3.4 is released, removing use of
a deprecated GTK+ interface and thus now requiring GTK+ 3.22
or newer, and using a modern AppStream
installation directory.
- Jun 18, 2017
TeleGNOME 0.3.3 is released, fixing a build
failure with Vala 0.36.
- Jul 7, 2016
TeleGNOME 0.3.2 is released, fixing an
incorrect description of the paging-enabled
setting, migrating away from some more deprecated GNOME
tools, and migrating from intltool to gettext.
- Feb 20, 2016
TeleGNOME 0.3.1 is released, fixing
installation of icons and adding AppStream
- Feb 15, 2016
TeleGNOME 0.3.0 is released, rewriting the
entire project in Vala and
adding an Italian teletext channel.
- Feb 6, 2016
TeleGNOME 0.2.1 is released, porting to GTK+
3 and generally updating its library dependencies. It also
fixes a bug where the current-channel setting
was reset to the first configured channel on startup.
- Jan 30, 2016
TeleGNOME 0.2.0 is released, porting from
GnomeVFS to GIO and from gnome-config to GSettings. It also
adds some more default channels, and fixes a bug with loading
some images.
- Jan 2, 2010
TeleGNOME 0.1.1 is released, with a few
build fixes and an improvement to its positioning in desktop
- May 4, 2008
TeleGNOME 0.1.0 is released, with a new
maintainer and ported to GNOME 2, GnomeVFS, and
- April 29, 2000
Debian packages for TeleGNOME 0.0.10 have been made by
Joop Stakenborg. He's an
official Debian developper, and he announced that the program
will be in the next debian release. Happy happy joy joy ;-)
The RPM is available too. Go quickly to the downloads section
- April 24, 2000
TeleGNOME 0.0.10 is released. The only changes are this
time: some UI improvements, move up/down buttons for channels
in the prefs, and GdkPixbuf 0.0.7 support.
A new channel, called TextTV Danmark is added to the
channels page. Just go there
and insert it in your TeleGNOME.
- April 10, 2000
TeleGNOME 0.0.9 is released. The widget bug from
previous version has been fixed, finally :) There's channel
support now, too. A list of available
channels is online, and the .debs and the RPM versions of
will be made soon.
- April 5, 2000
TeleGNOME 0.0.8 is released. However, it is not stable
so end users will probably prefer to stick to 0.0.7 for a
while. The GdkPixbuf widget still has one nasty bug. Download
the tarball here.
- April 3, 2000
The 0.0.8 release of TeleGNOME will use GdkPixbuf. GdkPixbuf is not yet in a stable
release, but it will go stable when it ships with April Gnome, which is due to
any {day,week} now.
I have built RPM's for TeleGNOME. They are built from the .deb's using the program alien,
and they are not yet tested on a RedHat system. The .deb's are reported to work fine, however,
so there should be no remarkable problems. Get the RPM from the
downloads section.
- The news archive
The news archive is accessible here.
Download recent versions of TeleGNOME from its GNOME
download site. Some very old versions are archived here, for historical interest only.
What would a self-respecting program be without a screenshot or
two these days... Well, here they are. Featured are the main screen, the main screen in zoomed mode and a
screenie of preferences window.
To compile TeleGNOME, you need all of the following:
- A running *nix machine.
- An ANSI C Compiler.
- GLib 2.44 or newer.
- GTK+ 3.22 or newer.
- gdk-pixbuf 2.26 or newer.
- cairo 1.10 or newer.
- uuid.
If you want to rebuild the generated C files from their Vala
source files, you will also need valac.
Colin Watson